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Lun-Sab (su appuntamento) 8.00-12.00 14.00-18.00

Reachable in half an hour from Piacenza and Pavia, 45 minutes from Milan and an hour from Parma, our warehouse is located at the foot of the Emilian Apennines, in the heart of the Tidone valley: a generous land, full of castles, which produces quality food and wine, first of all salami and gutturnio. For this reason, we recommend a trip to the splendid Val Tidone to our customers. Our warehouse is in turn made with recycled materials and elements of a rural style, without concrete and with rustic annexes, porches and lots of greenery, perfectly fitting into its natural context.


Loc. Fabbiano | IT-29011 Borgonovo val Tidone (PC)

Telephone and Fax

+39 0523.860028


Opening time

MO – SA (by appointment), 8.00-12.00 an 2.00-6.00

Mob. Vittorio

+39 3488717898

Mob. Carmen

+39 3489338928

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